Educational Research
Prelaboratory Technique-Based Simulations: Exploring Student Perceptions of Their Impact on In-Class Ability, Preparedness, and Emotional State
This collaboration between educators at the Universities of Sydney and Leicester asked a large Year 1 chemistry cohort whether and how students believed LearnSci LabSims impacted their laboratory experience. A firm majority of students expressed positive impacts which included motivation from feedback and help visualising the techniques and easing them into the lab.
Chemistry in the Time of COVID-19: Reflections on a Very Unusual Semester
Educators around the world have been challenged to adapt their teaching and pastoral care rapidly in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In this article, we, the academic members of the Chemistry Education and Communication Research Theme (CECR) from the School of Chemistry at the University of Sydney, reflect on the challenges and successes over the course of this most unusual semester.