Smart Worksheets
Enable student mastery of data analysis and improve teaching practice with enhanced, autograded online assessments
Request a demoSmart Worksheets offer an advanced online assessment tool - supporting your students to master essential data analysis skills with immediate, personalised feedback, while drastically reducing your marking burden.

What are Smart Worksheets?
Ready-made online assessment tools that develop students’ skills in data analysis, graphing and maths
Covering bioscience, chemistry, organic chemistry, lab skills and fundamental principles, Smart Worksheets form part of a blended learning experience that enhances your existing workbooks, teaching labs, and assignments. Active learning is at the heart of what we do, all our tools ensure your students are actively engaged and involved participants.
Key features and benefits
Randomised and unlimited datasets provide a wealth of opportunities for practise. No need to spend hours preparing resources.
Instant Feedback
Immediate, targeted feedback helps students to learn and master key data analysis skills. Help is provided just when they need it, as they do the task, not weeks later.
Autograding vastly reduces marking and feedback time and eliminates errors. Reclaim academic time to offer advanced, tailored support to students. Feedback is consistent and timely.
Timeline Mode
Timeline Mode provides deeper insight into students. Instructors can replay student learning and get detailed individual performance information to understand ability levels.
Why use Smart Worksheets?
Transform student skills and outcomes
Practice makes permanent
Students have multiple opportunities to practise, repeat and apply knowledge in a meaningful way around their real lab experience.
Increase satisfaction and engagement
Consistent, timely and tailored digital feedback provides a positive assessment experience for students.
Enable mastery
Immediate, personalised feedback ensures students learn from their mistakes, so they can master what they are doing.
What is the real impact of Smart Worksheets?
Student surveys revealed significantly increased satisfaction from the previous year with the detail of the feedback provided (87% up from 48%) in the Smart Worksheet post-labs.
Students agreed or strongly agreed that the post lab helped them understand the practicals more thoroughly.
Hundreds of individual pieces of coursework have been summatively assessed, and not one member of staff did any marking.
University of Plymouth
Why use Smart Worksheets?
Improve teaching practice
Understand your students better
Tailored student feedback enables you to know where students struggle and better understand individual needs. Supported, inspired students will stay the duration of their course.
Inspire and excite your students
Students have better mastery of topics, so your time can be spent on more specialised, engaging and meaningful interactions in the lab.
Less marking, more teaching
You could save 100s of hours of marking time, freeing you up to look at best practice, or focusing on more advanced, tailored support for students.
London Metropolitan University
How to access Smart Worksheets
Students and staff can access Smart Worksheets easily through VLE integration or through our new LearnSci Direct platform.
VLE / LMS integration
LearnSci Direct
Our flexible pricing plans allow you to choose one or all of our access methods, so you only pay for the features you need.
Educational research

Unique Data Sets and Bespoke Laboratory Videos: Teaching and Assessing of Experimental Methods and Data Analysis in a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the move to online teaching and assessment. This has created challenges in teaching laboratory skills and producing assessments that are robust and fair. Our solution was to use bespoke laboratory videos to provide laboratory training and to generate unique data sets for each student in coursework and exams. For assessments, R was used to produce student data packs comprising data and images, and associated staff answer files with plotted data and worked answers. In the new open-book online environment, this approach enabled us to create assessments that were the students’ own work with no evidence of student collusion. We observed no difference in student performance for the coursework or exam: The mean and median marks for the course remained the same as in previous years.
LabSims & Smart Worksheets
Combine a curated collection of Smart Worksheets and LabSims to give your students a highly engaging practical science experience that is perfect for self study and remote learning.