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Gel electrophoresis

Pouring an Agarose Gel

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Learn the key steps involved in preparing an agarose gel. Explore how comb choice, speed of pouring the gel and length of time the tape is left on can affect the quality of your gel.

Learning outcomes

  • Familiarise yourself with the equipment needed to create a mould for making the gel
  • Create the mould
  • Pour the molten agarose into the mould before waiting the appropriate length of time for it to set
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Using Instruments and Equipment

  • What equipment is required to create a gel mould
  • Why the length and number of teeth need to be considered when selecting an appropriate comb
  • How to seal the ends of the gel tray to contain the molten agarose
  • Why it is important to wait for the gel to fully set before removing the tape
  • Why the agarose must be poured gently into the tray

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Dr. Sharon Williams
Coventry University

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Gel electrophoresis

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