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Identification of microorganisms

Prepare a Smear Slide

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Learn how to prepare a bacterial smear slide by following a stepwise virtual lab protocol. Consider factors such as good aseptic technique, sample labelling, using an inoculation loop, drying, fixing, and the protocol order.

Learning outcomes

  • Familiarise yourself with the equipment required to prepare a smear slide
  • Learn the correct technique for transferring the bacteria, spreading the bacteria, and fixing the sample
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Using Instruments and Equipment

  • What equipment is required to prepare a smear slide 
  • What should be included in the slide label 
  • How and when to sterilise the inoculation loop 
  • Why the sterile loop should not be used to create a smear while it is hot 
  • How to handle the equipment to reduce the risk of contamination
  • How to dry and heat fix a smear slide 

Obtaining and Recording Data

  • What factors affect the distribution of bacteria and quality of the smear 

Working in a Safe Manner

  • How to reduce the risk of burning yourself when flame sterilising the inoculation loop 

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Grace, Biosciences Student at the University of Exeter

"Seeing it in the simulation then the lab made it more familiar and helped me feel like I knew what I was doing. I could make mistakes in the simulation and learn from that first."



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Identification of microorganisms

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